I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally—like on a breeze.
回首往昔,更进一步。"Hmph. One step ahead of the past."
吾虽浪迹天涯,却未迷失本心。"A wanderer isn't always lost."
我还在寻找回家的路。"Just looking for a road home."
不可久留于一处。"Never could stay in one place."
佚名 《英雄联盟》0
吾虽浪迹天涯,却未迷失本心。"A wanderer isn't always lost."
我还在寻找回家的路。"Just looking for a road home."
不可久留于一处。"Never could stay in one place."

There's a grief that can't be spoken 有种悲伤,无以言表
There's a pain goes on and on 有种痛苦,永不停息
Empty chairs and empty tables 空空的椅子,空空的桌子
Now my friends are dead and gone 我的朋友,均已长逝
雨果 《悲惨世界》2
There's a pain goes on and on 有种痛苦,永不停息
Empty chairs and empty tables 空空的椅子,空空的桌子
Now my friends are dead and gone 我的朋友,均已长逝

塞万提斯 《唐·吉诃德》1

江南 《上海堡垒》1